The 2 disciples on the road to Emmaus were prevented from recognizing Jesus,most likely because Jesus wanted to explain the scriptures to them without them getting all excited over the fact that this was He whom they were discussing on their journey.When Jesus had explained to them from the scriptures all about himself then they recognized him. 15While they were talking and discussing together, Jesus himself drew near and went with them. 16But their eyes were kept from recognizing him. Luke 24;15,16 ESV I believe this principle holds true for any others who didnt immediately recognize him. As for the body being raised with the nail wounds,this would have provided irrefutable evidence that Christ had indeed risen from the dead.
confused and lost
JoinedPosts by confused and lost
by confused and lost inthe wts denies the bodily resurrection of christ.
here is a verse i have found which , to my way of thinking, adds weight to the bodily resurrection.
read john 20:6,7.did you notice that the face cloth,napkin or shroud from jesus burial garments was folded up and was lying seperate from the rest of the bandages or linen strips.if ,as the wts teaches,god had simply evaporated jesus body in some way then surely all the bandages would be lying in the same place,the place where jesus body lay.i visualize the scripture this way.jesus body is restored to life.he sits up and undoes the bandages from around his head.he then lays these to one side,stands up and divests himself of the other linen cloths.i may be way off with this but it seems to fit with other scriptures relating to the bodily resurrection.
by confused and lost inthe wts denies the bodily resurrection of christ.
here is a verse i have found which , to my way of thinking, adds weight to the bodily resurrection.
read john 20:6,7.did you notice that the face cloth,napkin or shroud from jesus burial garments was folded up and was lying seperate from the rest of the bandages or linen strips.if ,as the wts teaches,god had simply evaporated jesus body in some way then surely all the bandages would be lying in the same place,the place where jesus body lay.i visualize the scripture this way.jesus body is restored to life.he sits up and undoes the bandages from around his head.he then lays these to one side,stands up and divests himself of the other linen cloths.i may be way off with this but it seems to fit with other scriptures relating to the bodily resurrection.
confused and lost
The WTS denies the bodily resurrection of Christ. Here is a verse I have found which , to my way of thinking, adds weight to the bodily resurrection. Read John 20:6,7.Did you notice that the face cloth,napkin or shroud from Jesus burial garments was folded up and was lying seperate from the rest of the bandages or linen strips.If ,as the WTS teaches,God had simply evaporated Jesus body in some way then surely all the bandages would be lying in the same place,the place where Jesus body lay.I visualize the scripture this way.Jesus body is restored to life.He sits up and undoes the bandages from around his head.He then lays these to one side,stands up and divests himself of the other linen cloths.I may be way off with this but it seems to fit with other scriptures relating to the bodily resurrection.
Divine plan of the ages
by confused and lost inwhilst reading the chapter entitled "our lords return" in russells book "divine plan of the ages" i came across these interesting quotes :
to this last view the majority of christians of all denominations assent (notwithstanding the creeds of some to the contrary), from a feeling that any other view would be irreconcilable with justice on god's part.
but do the scriptures support this last view?
confused and lost
Whilst reading the chapter entitled "Our Lords Return" in Russells book "Divine plan of the ages" I came across these interesting quotes : To this last view the majority of Christians of all denominations assent (notwithstanding the creeds of some to the contrary), from a feeling that any other view would be irreconcilable with justice on God's part. But do the Scriptures support this last view? Do they teach that ignorance is a ground of salvation? No; the only ground of salvation mentioned in the Scriptures is faith in Christ as our Redeemer and Lord. "By grace are ye saved, through faith." (Eph. 2 : 8.) Justification by faith is the underlying principle of the whole system of Christianity. When asked, What must I do to be saved? the apostles answered, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ."There is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4: 12); and "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." - Rom. 10: 13. But Paul reasons that a man must hear the gospel before he can believe, saying, "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard?" - Rom. 10:14. p100-101 The only way, by which any and all of the condemned race may come to God, is not by meritorious works, neither by ignorance, but by faith in the precious blood of Christ, which taketh away the sin of the world, (1 Peter 1: 19; John 1: 29.) This is the Gospel, the good tidings of great joy, "which shall be unto ALL PEOPLE."p103 He got many things wrong but was right on with these statements.
Three tribe division/banner
by confused and lost inin the nwt those "scholarly" translators have rendered the hebrew word-degel- as "three tribe division" when its literal meaning according to strong and vine is flag,standard or banner.why do this.did it have any connection with the flag salute issue in the usa?
i know the israelites camped in groups of four around the tabernacle, so yes,they would have been in a three tribe division but the nwt rendering seems to have been done for some other agenda.
confused and lost
In the NWT those "scholarly" translators have rendered the Hebrew word-degel- as "three tribe division" when its literal meaning according to Strong and Vine is flag,standard or banner.Why do this.Did it have any connection with the flag salute issue in the USA? I know the Israelites camped in groups of four around the tabernacle, so yes,they would have been in a three tribe division but the NWT rendering seems to have been done for some other agenda.
What Bible do you use?
by OMG! Now What? inin my new search for truth, i'm back to my old routine of getting my 7+ different bibles out and comparing them all.
which one have you chosen, if at all, and why?
confused and lost
Ive ditched my NWT and now use the English Standard Version.I use it at the meetings aswell as the Kingdom interlinear.So far no one has questioned me over this but no doubt the time will come.
Romans 8
by confused and lost ini have just finished reading the book of romans and i have a question ?
a person cannot please god unless he is controlled by the spirit.
(rom 8:8,9) nor can he put to death the misdeeds of the body except by the spirit (rom 8:13) the next verse (v14) then tells us that all who are led by gods spirit are gods fact they are adopted as his children.however,according to the wts , these verses only apply to the,my question is this.if only the annointed are led by gods spirit,whose spirit leads the "other sheep" ?
confused and lost
I have just finished reading the book of Romans and I have a question ? A person cannot please God unless he is controlled by the spirit.(Rom 8:8,9) Nor can he put to death the misdeeds of the body except by the spirit (Rom 8:13) The next verse (v14) then tells us that ALL who are led by Gods spirit are Gods sons.In fact they are adopted as his children.However,according to the WTS , these verses only apply to the annointed.So,my question is this.If only the annointed are led by Gods spirit,whose spirit leads the "other sheep" ? If in fact ALL christians are led by Gods spirit then ALL christians are Gods sons so then ALL christians are co-heirs with Christ.This makes the "144,000" kind of redundant.Also, since John in 1John 3 : 10 makes a distinction between the "children of God" and "the children of the devil" does this mean that because the "other sheep" are not adopted as Gods children they must of neccessity be children of the devil, since there are only 2 classes of children mentioned by John and also by Jesus (John 8:42 - 47)The more I read the Bible apart from WTS publications the more confusion I uncover in WTS teachings.
Reading between the lines in the January 2008 "Our Kingdom Ministry"
by TooBad TooSad ini like to read the km to see what the wtbts is saying, and then to think about what they really mean.. information appears in the km when problem need to be addressed in the organization.
the article on.
the front page "make the most of your time in the ministry" was insightful to me.
confused and lost
I havent got my KM for Jan 08 yet but weve just had our co visit and in one of his talks he was highlighting the 2 main needs in the UK. 1) Spending more time in the ministry.surprise,surprise.. 2) The need for more MS and Elders. It seems that the jws love of the ministry is growing cold.Could this have something to do with the fact that 93 yrs have gone by and the same old,same old message is being preached.The end is coming soon !! Our co even encouraged us to conduct bible studies with people over the telephone. On the subject of servants and elders I have noticed that as soon as someone is appointed their whole demeaner changes.The first talk or item they have at the KH is peppered with the latest info from the WT mag.They become fully fledged members of the "party",their wives suddenly start answering more often and the invites to other jw homes increase.One flock under one shepherd ? I think not.There is a clear hierarchial system in operation that none of the fools can see.Maybe Satan has blinded the minds of these "watchtowerites" so the REAL good news about Christ cannot shine forth.This post may seem like I am bitter at them all.I am not,in fact before I eventually leave the borg I intend to sow as many seeds of doubt in the WTS as I can.Why ? Because there are people in my cong that I care about very much and true love for them will not allow me to at least try to set some of them on the "right" road before it is too late.Take care all.
My wife FINALLY quits Witnessing and Meetings admits I was right!!!
by Witness 007 infor afew years a have been fading and telling my wife how i feel about such false doctrines as blood transfusions, 607 b.c.e date etc.
at first she would say "don't talk to me about discouraging things!!
" since i haven't been attending meetings or field service for over 2 years she has slowly quit 1. witnessing, then 2. theocratic school which she hated anyway but was forced to do.
confused and lost
I wish you well my friend.I have left the WTS mentally but I go physically (for now) for the sake of my wife and daughter.I am finding such a struggle to sit there knowing that this "religion" is nothing more than sham.I hope all goes well for you both.
How do you spot a doubter ?
by confused and lost inhi all,i would like to know how to spot any doubters in my cong.the problem,as you are all well aware,is that everyone is to damn scared to openly say anything critical about the how can i ferret out any "would be doubters".any hints?
confused and lost
Hi all,I would like to know how to spot any doubters in my cong.The problem,as you are all well aware,is that everyone is to damn scared to openly say anything critical about the WTS.So how can I ferret out any "would be doubters".Any hints?
They should pay
by dinah injust reading this board and seeing the effects of this religion makes me sick.
sure those who stay in, who are spiritually asleep (imho) are okay--but what about those of us who woke up?
what about those of us who have anxiety issues?
confused and lost
(Ecclesiastes 1:15) . . .That which is made crooked cannot be made straight. . . Simple words but totally applicable to the WTS.